LiveGraph is a framework for real-time data visualisation, analysis and logging.
Distinctive features:
- A real-time plotter that can automatically update graphs of your data while it is still being computed by your application.
- Concise and simple point-and-click interface that allows quickly selecting and comparing data series even in applications that output over 1000 series simultaneously.
- Transformation of data series for visual comparison by the virtue of a single click.
- (Linear, logarithm, unit interval, and time-plot transformations).
- The framework is Java-based and can run on any computer system. However, it is easily integrated with applications written in any programming language. Examples and tutorials are provided.
- LiveGraph reads files in a simple CSV-style format. For applications developed in Java, LiveGraph additionally provides an API that handles all data logging and persistency issues. These features make LiveGraph particularly useful for all applications that require live visualisation of large amounts of data in form of graphs and charts.
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