Download the latest version: scope V1.40
Download the beta Version of the new release: scope V1.41beta
english manual of version 1.41beta
- Trigger modes: off, automatic, normal and single shot
- Triggerlevel can be set with the mouse
- The signals of the two channels can be added, subtracted and multiplied
- x-y mode
- Frequency analysis (Fourier spectrum)
- Waterfall diagram (frequency spectrum as function of time)
- Frequency filter: low-, high- and band-pass
- Cursors to measure amplitude, time and frequency in the main window
- Audio Recorder to save data to a wave file
- For multi soundcard system, the used card can be selected in the settings tab
The program has completely been written in LabView (™ by National Instruments). For the actual Sound I/O part the WaveIO package by the same author has been used.
Signal Sources
The signals for the oscilloscope can be internal to the computer (MP3
player, function generator etc.) or from external sources (line-in,
microphone). For external sources care has to be taken, not to exceed
the voltage range of the inputs. The range is usually only ±0.7V !! If
higher voltage need to be analyzed, a voltage divider has to be used.
Additional protection diodes are recommended in order to avoid any
damage to the sound card and to the computer.
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