It is the smallest bootloader, taking less than 100 words of program space;
Supports families of PIC devices: 16F, 18F, dsPIC30 (those devices that support self-programming)
Does not support yet PIC24, dsPIC33, PIC18xxJyy
Features of the firmware
- Size of only 100 words; (all versions, for 16F,18F,dsPIC occupy less than 100 words);
- Can write flash, eeprom and configuration bytes(18F);
- On reset, waits 1 second (adjustable) for a message from the PC, if not received, launch user application;
- The .asm file can be easily modified and adapted for any frequency (or baudrate);
Features of the PC software
- Can upload programs into flash (in current version eeprom and cfg bytes can be modified only manually, depending on the device type);
- Works with PIC16F,PIC18F and dsPIC types; automatically detects HEX content and PIC model;
- Remembers last settings;
- In case of errors, performs retransmissions or tries to resynchronize with pic;
- The communication settings are editable so you can write any COM number or desired baud;
- If a filename is specified as a command line parameter, it will automatically try to write it;
homepage: Tiny PIC bootloader
This project was born because:
- Some bootloaders I used previously had some unpleasant bugs or didn't support the devices I had.
- I wanted to do it small.
- If you wonder how much smaller than this can it get, the answer is 32words :), but it loses from features, reliability and speed.
- TinyBootloader was build with the idea that all the hard work could be moved to the PC application, while the firmware can implement only the basic functions.
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