Nasty Facts

Yeah, it's nasty and disgusting but it is true.
  • Swimming in a public pool during one hour, you will drink pee at least once.
  • Each day, when touching objects like knobs, bills, coins, etc; you will touch [indirectly] at least 15 penises.
  • Fast food products are more likely to have human hairs and you will never know about it.
  • Your kitchen have more bacteria than any restaurant in your town.
  • Your keyboard and mouse have more bacteria than a toilette. So do you like to eat in front of your computer?
  • You will swallow a few insects each year during your sleep.
  • Each year, you will handshake at least 15 men that just touched their private parts without washing their hands. Even worse: at least three of them may have reproductive fluids on their hands.
  • You have a probability of 1/100 to get herpes on a wedding reception.

Ok, I can't handle it anymore. I will stop writing the list. If you want to contribute, try not to use bad words.


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